Saturday, January 24, 2015

Past Feels (working title, rough conceptual draft)


There was love; it sweetly blossomed,
Wilted, and then died before my eyes
As I attempted to hold on fast with my fist,
The dried petals of this rose crumbled to dust.

All alone then, I saw the sick irony of it,
Staring at my surroundings filled with people.
The color begins to slowly fade away,
Back down to a dull steady gray.

But WAIT! There arrives a shining Knight,
Someone full of party, love and Light!
Reaching out to me he whisks me off my life's tracks,
Placing me firmly upon a spiral up.

Because of that Knight, my horizons expanded.
Unfortunately though, our friendship was disbanded.
New seeds were planted in his wake,
And yet his place they cannot take.

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