I have lived this life extremely messily. I never did anything "right", never seemed to live up to society's standards, either. Everyday people would pass me endlessly on the street, wrinkling their noses as they hurried to pass where I sat. Everyday I looked up into the dead faces of the white collars as they put their lifes' effort into making millions for their CEOs, feeling pity for them. Then I'd look back down to the ground upon which I sat and slept on thinking: "Two sides of the same coin.... I know I have it better according to my morals but I am just as trapped as they." A few times in my younger days (those years during which the government deems a "homeless youth" able to be rehabilitated into "normal" society) I attempted to get indoors and hold a job. It always left me feeling as if people who had jobs willing roboticized themselves and that I just wasn't cut out for it. One evening I was headed back to my squat when I heard a violent scuffle in an alley. I peered down there, saw two guys at it and shouted, "Hey!". One of them turned, pointed a gun at me and everything went black as a loud bang reverberated between the two buildings.
I awoke later. As I lay on my back with brightness pushing its way through the thin membranes of my eyelids I attempted to grasp the situation. I remembered getting shot...... did I somehow come out of it alive? What effect would it have on my life? I opened my eyes. Everywhere was swathed in an unreal white light brightness, different from that of a hospital. I was laying on grass... strange. Turning my head, I saw nothing but a field, and I was unrestrained, unlike how I would have been in a hospital. I sat up, the sky above had naught but a strong glow piercing a sky made of ever-changing rainbow colors. "Is this... Heaven? But how?" I murmered aloud in surprise. Getting up was easy and I found that I still had full mobility and I wondered somewhere deep inside my brain if this is just what those final moments of release of DMT from the Pineal Gland is like, and when it was going to end. But when I was back on Earth I had "blasted off" on DMT and the place I came to was comprised of spinning fractyls. This, this seemed real, as I bent to run my hands through the grass. I paused for a second, now standing, uncertain as to where I should go. I turned slowly in a circle until I felt a specific direction was "right" and continued that way. Soon I came to a stream, and looking into its depths I saw that I was youthful again and it sent shivers up my spine. I had definitely gone to some kind of "afterlife". As I continued I heard a soft, lilting noise; it grew stronger as I approached. It was a girl with a similar youthful appearance to my own. I stopped a short distance away, awkward and unwilling to disturb her song as she picked exotic wildflowers reminiscent of the things I used to doodle when I was supposed to be doing my homework. She stopped and looked up at me with deep violet eyes, "Ah, you've returned Akshia!" She rushed towards me and wrapped me in a warm embrace. Her arms and the strange name she had used for me struck a chord of rememberance, but this only confused me.
She must have sensed the confusion and pulled back, smiling at me in a cherubic way, "I've been instructed to explain. Come, sit with me and all will be made clear." Instead of plopping down right there we continued in my original direction for a few minutes in pleasant silence while my brain's cogs turned madly: My name used to be Jill! I was 30 when I died and now I look like I'm 13! Whoa! Wait.... are those....? We walked up to a copse of, I guess trees. They looked as if they were birthed from the imagination of Dr. Seuss and Alex Gray, though. They were full of spiral shapes, multicolors and thick "U" shaped branches. We each took a low-hanging branch for our seat and this strange being began.
"Akshia, do you remember this place at all yet?"
"No. The name is strange to me yet it resonates deep in my soul."
"Ah, well, they warned me of this. I suppose I will start from the beginning. this place is called Kee by us, the inhabitants, though it doubtless has hundreds of different names on Earth, where you just came from. Here we are born to guard all that is of the Light, good and just. Earth is a place full of chaos, a mix of Light and Dark with both sides constantly struggling for power. There is no way you couldn't have observed that during your stay. Since we up here are supposed to protect Light while being of It, when we have a Youth go thought training but they have a high level of Dark tendencies we send them to Earth as a type of remedial training. There was a ceremony in that field a while ago that sent your Soul down to Earth in a little baby to be named Jill. You weren't allowed to remember anything because it is a test for our people. Our insturctors monitored your progress and apparently you passed on your first try on Earth! If you had become more corrupted in your Soul you would have repeated, and repeated. Does this make sense? The Instructors say that your memories of Kee should return, though cases of full amnesia HAVE been reported."
"So... what's your name? My memories still haven't returned." I smile.
"Oh! Silly me! I'm Kiriana, and we used to be very best friends before you were deemed in need of Remedials."
"How long have I been gone?"
"Only a year, our time."
"Wow, I was.... 30 back on Earth...."
"Time is relative....."
"Einstein said that back on Earth."
"First, he learned it up here."
~ Part 1 - Fin ~
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