The flows and changes
Look as ripples to me now.
I have observed my life pass through flames
Of purification as sprouts of seeds I sow
Begin to sprout, up and out.
I really only need worry of my own fidelity
And leave all over which I've out of folly raged.
Sunlit golden leaves provide serenity,
As the soul's fire blazed,
Purging the old, flying out of the mould.
My focus gazes upon the smaller steps
So that later I may fly.
I realize now to see the sidesteps
To achieve dreams in stead of fail this time I try.
Soul will reach higher, out of the fire!
The foundation is quickly being laid
So all my pieces may fall into place.
I evict negativity while soul strings are played,
As my inner strength I come to face.
I lay in trust, and try leading in what's Just.
Everyday I continue to strive
To walk the Higher Walk
In life and keep the Hope alive
That gone will be simple Talk
Of achieving Bliss, dispelling Ignorance.
We must face these difficult times,
Not as simple wisemen on the hills,
But among masses, breaking paradigms
With our Living Truth so out it loudly spills!
Do you hear Mother's tourtured cries; over all the lies?
Tears have already been shed times over
About her being destroyed by greedy evil Legions.
How can we shine brighter?
I think we can now see through desperate illusions
Of silly separation, for true action.
In this, I open new doors in Quest
Of making it come to fruition
My dream of simply not being a guest
In watching Her destruction.
Vote with dollars if we must! Support farms of the just!
Small ripples coincide into waves,
As together we manifest our Reality.
The conscious mind for me saves;
Provides me ways to subtly change society.
Every good deed shown transfers what you've known.
Much better than this mindless fighting
They've got us controlled with.
I feel my inner fire lighting
As with Light we can smith
A new Life, above strife.
This dream set forth,
May it settle, take seed
Become some true north
For evolution's new breed
Towards a better love, for all Creation, below and above.
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