Should a man be judged by
The shabby clothes he wears
The way he smells, for the fact
That he is a simple bum enjoying a hot meal?
Should a woman be judged by
How short or long her skirt is or
How she does or doesnt show her cleavage or
How she may or may not put out?
Should a person be judged because of
Their sexual preference(s) or
Their personal gender identity or issues or
Their capacity for loving many at once?
Should a person be judged for
The god or gods or lack thereof they
Choose to worship or not worship
And for the rites that go with it?
Should a person be judged based on
Whether or not they trust our bi-partisan system
Whether they are Democrat, Republican,
Green Party, Libertarian, or Anarchist?
America was founded by the people,
For the people and increasingly we are
Shoved onto the sidelines of society or
Put into boxes of stereotypes.
That homeless man with his pack
Could really be an Angel stuck on
This now hellish Earth, being his best
So that he might be prepared for wings again.
That woman in the "slutty" clothes
Is not asking for rape, she's
Merely taking pride in her beauteous
Figure and graciously allowing us a glimpse.
That gay couple walking down the street
Holding hands, locking eyes and lips
Just want the same legal perks as any
Heterosexual married couple, grow up.
All religions are created to mollify
The masses into the division and slavery
Of our current world social structure
Take what truth you can and dont feel superior
The anarchist you label an idealistic fool
Is just sick of the fucking bullshit
Gritting their teeth at socioeconomic injustice
Wondering: Why can't we just live free?